Symbiosis Admission Policies


Symbiosis Admission Policies –

Symbiosis Admission PoliciesAdmission Cancellation (By SCDL) –

Symbiosis has rights to cancel his/her admission and student can cancel admission before specific date (announced by symbiosis) and the terms and condition mentioned below can be change anytime. So, we suggest to also check the Institute’s website for any correction/updation in the policies. Below are the details:

  • It is the sole responsibility of the student to pay all prescribed fees as per the timelines mentioned in the Prospectus and student Handbook as applicable for the program in which he / she has enrolled. If a student fails to pay the specified fees as per the timelines, then in such a case, his / her admission shall stand cancelled.
  • In case of students enrolled on a provisional basis, if the documents required for the purpose of eligibility are not submitted on or before date of admission or if submitted with deficiencies (i.e. not in the manner prescribed) and the deficiencies are not made good on or before admission date or  within 15 days of communication to that effect, whichever is later, then his / her admission shall stand cancelled.
  • In both the cases as mentioned above, the student is not entitled to any refund of symbiosis distance learning MBA fees.

Refund of Program Fees (By Student) –

  • Students desiring to cancel their admission for Symbiosis Courses need to submit an application for cancellation of admission (Application for Refund of Program Fees) only in the prescribed format, available in the student login on the SCDL website, on or before date.
  • Students will receive the refund of the Program Fees paid by them after the deduction of 50% administrative charges on the paid amount. Registration Fees are non-refundable.
  • Refund Application will be processed only after the student sends back to the Institute the Self Learning Material, Confirmation / Provisional Letter, ID card or any other SCDL material that the student has. In case the study material and / or ID card are not returned to SCDL on or before the prescribed deadline, Rs. 800/- and Rs. 100/- respectively will be deducted from the refund amount against Study Material and ID card not being returned.
  • Applications for Refund of Program Fees received after date (you can fine in student login) will not be accepted.
  • Students admitted after date (late admissions) will not be entitled to any refund of Program Fees.
  • In case of admission being cancelled by Symbiosis University on account of provisional admission status or non-payment / incomplete payment of program fees or both, student is not eligible to apply for refund of the paid program fees.
  • Program fees refund request received from the students after the September 15, 2016, due to their inability to fulfill the eligibility criteria will not be entertained.
  • SCDL will not accept any requests for admission cancellation sent by e-mail or fax.
  • The institute will take approximately 45 days to process the refund the course fees as per cancellation policy of the academic year.

Procedures for Change of Program / Specialization / Profile / Category –

Program Change –
  • Students are requested to send the self-learning material, ID card, duly filled Service Request Form available on SCDL website along with the charges for Indian student Rs.1000 and for the international student 70$ (these can change as per Symbiosis University policy).
  • The DD should be in favor of ‘The Director, SCDL, Pune, payable at Pune, MH, India must reach SCDL before September 30 2016. Request for program change will be processed only after receiving the study kit of the previous program, ID Card, service request form & program change fees. The Registration Number remains the same.
    Specialization Change –
  • Students can apply for change of Specialization on or before date. Students can send an e-mail through Institute website’s ‘Post My Query’ option to ‘Profile Change’, or can send Service Request Form duly filled and signed on or before the due date.
  • Students enrolling for single courses cannot apply for subject change.
  • The students should send a duly filled Service Request Form, available in Institute website’s Student Center Login or can e-mail us through ‘Post My Query’ for any profile change requests, like name change, address change, DOB change, etc. with a valid proof.
  • Students have to mention elective for Ill & IV Semester while changing Specialization of Symbiosis Courses.
  • Late program change and Specialization change is allowed only on Directors approval.
Profile / Category Change –
  • Students have to inform Symbiosis University via e-mail through institute website’s ‘Post My Query’ facility or submit duly filled Service Request Form, immediately in case of any Change in their Profile, e.g. communication address / contact no. / email. Students, who have applied for Name Change, are also required to send a duly filled Service Request Form along with the Duplicate Id charges and apply for fresh Identity Card and simultaneously return the old ID Card to SCDL.
  • Students who are going abroad (for a period which is equal to/more than Registration validity period) and want to Change their Category to International / SAARC for continuation of their program will have to pay the difference in the program fees (as per given exchange rate) and submit necessary documents with Service Request Form such as Address Proof mentioning the foreign address and VISA or passport copy for the same. The application will be processed only after verification of documents and on receipt of payment. The ID card and registration number will remain the same. International / SAARC students may appear for exams in India by paying Exam Fees as applicable for Indian Residents.
  • Status change from International / SAARC to General Category is possible, but the excess program fees paid is non-refundable.
  • For more detailed information and queries student can mailed at Symbiosis University through institute website’s ‘Post My Query’ facility. (International students)
  • Student should not submit any fees in cash by post / courier. SCDL does not hold any responsibility and is not liable for loss or return of the same.

Dual Specialization –

Dual Specialization option is available for PGDBA & PGDIM programs. Students are requested to send the duly filled Service Request Form available on SCDL website along with the Dual Specialization fees (The DD should be in favour of The Director, SCDL, Pune, payable at Pune, MH, India) as mentioned on or before the date which will be announced by Symbiosis University. For detailed infomation on Symbiosis admission policies please visit:

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