MICA’s Fellow Program in Management-Communications


micaAdmissions Open at MICA for Fellow Program in Management-Communications

Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad invites applications for admission to 3 years full time residential Fellow Program in Management (FPM) in Communications for the academic session 2016-19. FPM is offered in the core area of Communication and Marketing. The sub-areas of the program are: Communication and Media, Communication and Marketing, Communication and Culture and Communication and Social Change.

FPM aims to produce scholars who can impart and advance knowledge in the areas of communication and marketing and contribute to the larger community as well as to increase the talent pool of researchers and academicians in the areas of communication and marketing. All students (except sponsored students) admitted to the program will be given a fellowship and contingency allowance. Fellowship includes fee waiver and a monthly stipend. The present stipend is Rs 25, 000, Rs 27, 000 and Rs 30, 000 per month for first, second and third year respectively. In addition to the stipend, a contingency grant of Rs. 25,000 in the first year and Rs. 30,000 in each of the second and third years will be available to the students for academic expenses like case material, books, travel, data collection expenses, thesis expenses etc.

Eligibility Criteria for MICA:

  • Applicants must have a masters degree/an equivalent qualification with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in any discipline of the Humanities/Social Sciences/ Business Management, having Communication/ Journalism/ Advertising/ Public Relations/ Media/Marketing as a subject. The candidate also should have completed a three-year bachelor’s degree/an equivalent qualification, after completing higher secondary (10+2) or an equivalent. Or
  • At least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a five year integrated masters degree program from any discipline of the Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Business Management, having Communication/ Journalism/ Advertising/ Public Relations/Media/Marketing as a subject, obtained after completing higher secondary (10+2) or an equivalent.
  • Final year students appearing for their master’s degree or an equivalent examination can also apply.

MicaHow to Apply for MICA:

  • Candidates can apply online.
  • Candidates must submit the following (through snail mail):
  • Application fee of Rs. 2500/- through a demand draft drawn in favour of “MICA” payable at Ahmedabad. Candidates must write their name and contact details on the reverse side of the demand draft
  • Two letters of recommendation (blank forms for recommendation letters and the instructions can be downloaded from the online application portal)
  • Copies of academic certificates as required

.Selection Procedure for MICA:

  • Stage 1: Telephone interviews of eligible candidates.
  • Stage 2: The Shortlisted candidates appear for MICA’s FPM Admission Test. The FPM Admission Test is a two-day process organized on the MICA campus, comprising of the Written Test (WT), a Group Discussion (GD), an Individual Presentation (IP) and a Personal Interview (PI).
  • The Written Test will examine the candidate’s (communication) theoretical understanding, the ability to investigate a communication phenomenon and the ability to interpret data and draw conclusions.
  • The GD will include a group of 6-8 candidates who will be given a GD topic on the spot. The group will be allowed to deliberate and reflect on the topic for the first 15 minutes, followed by a 30 minute discussion. The GD process will be evaluated by a panel of experts.
  • Individual Presentation (IP): The candidate will be given a presentation topic on the spot. Candidates will be given 90 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to present to a panel of experts. Candidates will be required to make PowerPoint (PPT) presentations.
  • The personal interview will follow the IP, where a panel of experts will assess the candidate’s personality and passion for research.

Important Dates:

  • Last date for applying online: Monday, February 29, 2016.
  • Last date for receiving application fee, recommendation letters and copies of certificates: Monday, February 29, 2016.
  • Telephonic screening interviews: Monday, March 07, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016.
  • Admission test: Monday, April 11, 2016 to Saturday, April 16, 2016.
  • Declaration of result: Wednesday, April 20, 2016.

For more details, please check MICA’s official website: Click Here

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