Jiwaji University SSDE Invites Applications for Distance MBA Programs


Jiwaji UniversityJiwaji University SSDE Invites Applications for Distance MBA Programs

Applications are invited by School of Studies in Distance Education (SSDE), Jiwaji University, Gwaliorfor admission to 3 years distance Master of Business Administration (MBA) in general, 2 years MBA in Rural Technology and Management, Human Resource Development, Finance, Marketing and Chemical Sales & Marketing Management programs for the session 2025.

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates should be any graduate in any stream with 45% marks.

How to Apply:

  • Step: 1: Candidates can apply online.
  • Step: 2: Select the requisite program, fill the relevant details and deposit the form.
  • Step: 3: Candidate is required to online deposit application fee and course fee along with application form.
  • Step: 4: Candidate needs to take a print-out of submitted admission form and deposit the hard-copy to School of Distance Education or study centre where the candidate has taken admission.

Selection Procedure:

For details and information on selection procedure, please visit the official website.

For more details and information on application procedure, please visit Jiwaji University’s official website: Click Here

Are you interested in studying at Jiwaji University? Fill in your details below and we will connect you with the institute.

Admissions Open

Are you interested in taking admission in any distance learning program? Apply now admissions are currently open.