GITAM University, Vishakhapatnam


GITAM University, Vishakhapatnam (CDL, GITAM)

GITAM University, Vishakhapatnam (CDL, GITAM) was established in 2009. The Center for Distance Learning is recognized by Distance Education Council (DEC), New Delhi and approved by joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC. Degrees / Diplomas awarded through distance mode by any University recognized by DEC are only eligible to seek Government employment under an act of Parliament issued as a G.O to that effect by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in 1993.

GITAM University with an avowed objective of enhancing access to higher education with quality at affordable cost started the Center for Distance Learning to offer programs through distance mode from the year 2009-10 with the recognition of DEC. During the past 35 years, GITAM University has been committed to excellence in higher education foraying into diversified disciplines of learning. It has steadily evolved into a world class university recognized for the experiential learning it offers, the competent and compassionate faculty, the stellar research laboratories, academic vibrancy and cosmopolitan culture.

Campuses of Center for Distance Learning, GITAM University –

Center for Distance Learning, GITAM University has two campuses namely Visakhapatnam Campus and Hyderabad Campus.


To become a global leader in higher education.


To impart futuristic and comprehensive education of global standards with a high sense of discipline and social relevance in a serene and invigorating environment.

Facilities at Center for Distance Learning, GITAM University –

  • Library
  • E-learning center of research
  • Hostel
  • Health Care
  • Study Materials
  • Laboratories
  • Classrooms

Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management

Category: Human Resource Management
Degree: MBA
Mode: Correspondence
Medium: Distance Learning
Duration: 2 Years

i) The candidate should have passed the Bachelors degree other than BFA & BOL of GITAM University or any university recognized by GITAM University as equivalent thereto. A candidate with professional qualification such as BE/B.Tech./B.Pharm/Medicine/Law/CA/ICWA/ACS/ AMIE/AIETE, etc., is also eligible.

ii) The candidate should have appeared for GAT examination conducted by GITAM University and obtained a rank.

iii) Admissions to the program shall be made on the basis of the rank obtained in GAT subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria.

Master of Computer Application

Category: Computer Application
Degree: MCA
Mode: Correspondence
Medium: Distance Learning
Duration: 3 Years

i) The candidate should have passed the Bachelors degree other than BFA & BOL of GITAM University or any university recognized by GITAM University as equivalent thereto. A candidate with professional qualification such as BE/B.Tech./B.Pharm/B.Sc/BA/B.Com/BA/Medicine/ Law/CA/ICWA/ACS/AMIE/AIETE, etc., is also eligible provided he/she had studied Mathematics as one of the subjects at Intermediate or 10+2 level.

ii) The candidate should have appeared for GAT examination conducted by GITAM University and obtained a rank in GAT subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria.

iii) Candidates will be admitted into 2nd year of MCA with PGDCA or PGDCPA qualification.

Master of Business Administration

Category: Business Administration
Degree: MBA
Mode: Correspondence
Medium: Distance Learning
Duration: 2 Years

i) The candidate should have passed the Bachelors degree other than BFA & BOL of GITAM University or any University recognized by GITAM University as equivalent thereto. A candidate with professional qualification such as BE/B.Tech./B.Pharm/Medicine/Law/CA/ICWA/ACS/ AMIE/AIETE, etc., is also eligible.

ii) The candidate should have appeared for GAT examination conducted by GITAM University and obtained a rank.

iii) Admissions to the program shall be made on the basis of the rank obtained in GAT subject to the fulfillment of the other eligibility criteria

GITAM University

Name : GITAM University
Location : CDL City Center, IIIrd Floor Balaji Metro Plaza, Dondaparthi Main Road
City : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
Country : India
Contact No : 0891-2796499

Please Note*

This information has been collected from institute / university website or by contacting the institute on phone. Trade Marks belong to the respective owners.

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Admissions Open

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